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June 19, 2024

Tales from the Crypt 6: Website and Domain Name Lost, Even With Decedent’s Password

Cover image is the first automated, end-to-end platform for digital account planning and administration. Having built this product, we know that passing on digital accounts is usually not as simple as leaving behind a password.

June 11, 2024

What Is A Blockchain And Why Do People Care?

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Cryptocurrencies are becoming integrated into the traditional finance space. ETFs, bull markets, integrations of custody licenses in most major financial jurisdictions, and AI authenticity verifications have all been working to remove the stigmas associated with blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

May 18, 2024

Tales from the Crypt 5: Family Lets $600,000 Domain Name Expire

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The domain name industry is worth $6.7 billion in the US alone. There are at least 365 million registered domain names worldwide, though this number is suspected to be much higher in reality.

May 15, 2024

Digital Estate Planning: Domain Name Succession

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Clients with businesses, blogs, nonprofits, art projects, and various hobbies are likely to own a domain name. Domain names are the string of text typically followed by ‘.com’, ‘.org’, or the like that grant users access to websites.

May 6, 2024

Tales from the Crypt 4: Coinbase Hangs Up on Estate Administrator

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Those inheriting cryptocurrency from Coinbase, one of the most popular cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, are constantly faced with months of delay and inability to access the account of the recently deceased.

April 30, 2024

You Should Use Your Client's Digital Accounts for Estate Administration

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The list of tasks required to close an estate is getting more complicated as digital assets and accounts need to be dealt with."

April 22, 2024

Tales from the Crypt 3: Complaints Filed with the BBB, Senator, and the CFPB to Get Coinbase Inheritance

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A few months ago, an anonymous Reddit user took to the Coinbase subreddit, desperately seeking aid in unlocking her late son’s Coinbase account to retrieve her granddaughter’s inheritance.

April 2, 2024

Tales from the Crypt 2: Fiduciary Denied Access to Credit Union Accounts

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In January of 2024, Mr. Holland sued Signal Financial Credit Union when he, the Executor and Financial PoA of his late cousin’s estate, found himself incapable of accessing two accounts she had with the credit union.

March 27, 2024

Tales from the Crypt 1: Apple does not bother responding to parents of 24-year-old decedent whose cause of death was ‘undetermined’.

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In 2016, Ryan Coleman tragically passed away at the ripe age of 24. Today, we will discuss the hurdles his administrators faced in trying, and failing, to gain access to important data on his iPhone.

March 25, 2024

Lawyers Fear For Inheritances Locked in Digital Accounts

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The digital world makes estate inheritance for the unprepared a nightmare. Unfortunately, nearly everyone is ill prepared for password resets, digital account tracking, identity verification, and more.

February 27, 2024

Denied Access to Deceased Spouse’s Emails

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In 2017 Ricardo Serrano’s partner found themselves scrambling to get access to their late husband’s contacts and calendar information so they could inform his friends and family of his passing. Practically nobody maintains a physical address book, and neither did Mr. Serrano.

February 21, 2024

Digital Succession for Google

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One of the most painfully overlooked elements of estate planning is managing the transfer of digital data and accounts. With the loss of a loved one, pictures, messages, videos, and access to hundreds of web services are often lost as well.

February 15, 2024

Digital Estates are a Disaster

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Six years ago, my father tragically passed away in a traffic accident and I, his then 19 year old son, was appointed as the executor of a very messy estate. I found myself unable to recuperate important documents and memories.

January 25, 2024

How Powerful is Apple's Legacy Contact?

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Our phones store some of our most meaningful moments and interactions. From photos to text messages and notes, we inadvertently document our lives on our devices. This is why Apple came out with a Legacy Contact option a few years ago.

December 19, 2023

Digital Memories: What Happens to iCloud Photos When Users Pass?

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Photo albums are a quintessential family heirloom. Large binders filled with glossy film photos sit in most people’s cosets, holding valuable memories passed from one generation to the next.

December 14, 2023

How to Make a Digital Estate Plan

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The wide gap between a digital asset clause in a planning document and a fiduciary actually accessing accounts is a necessary and often overlooked piece of a good digital estate plan.

November 29, 2023

Estate Planning for Cold Storage Crypto

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Your client just told you “I have a cold storage device for my cryptocurrency”, what do you do? In the inevitable cycle of life and wealth, a recent reality has become clear: if living people own cryptocurrencies, so do the estates of deceased individuals.

November 22, 2023

UFADAA, Revised: What Is RUFADAA?

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In 2014, the Uniform Law Commission drafted UFADAA - the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act. UFADAA’s goal was to aid fiduciaries in the inventory, reporting, and distribution of digital assets. Later ULC proposed a revised version of the statute, RUFADAA (Revised UFADAA.)

October 26, 2023

Hawaii's DCIL and Estate Planning

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Hawaii launched the CIL (Digital Currency Innovation Lab) program in 2020 to pre-empt digital asset regulation in the state. The program’s uncertain renewal could pose a problem for fiduciaries who aren’t aware that the end of DCIL would lead to the closure of the grantor’s accounts.

October 4, 2023

BitLicenses, MTLs, and Trust Charters

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Crypto regulation is difficult and contentious. The SEC has been wrestling with crypto entities for a long time, but other regulators have also set up hoops on centralized crypto companies in an attempt to protect consumers.

September 25, 2023

RUFADAA's Blindspots

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RUFADAA, the Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, has been enacted in most states as a measure to support the passing on of digital assets as part of an estate. Digital assets are difficult to pass on for a plethora of reasons.

September 19, 2023

Where and How are Cryptocurrencies Stored?

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Cryptocurrencies are an important emerging asset class, however most legal and financial professionals don’t know enough about these assets to answer client’s questions meaningfully.

June 4, 2024

Executors, guardians and beneficiaries – what does it all mean?

There is so much legal jargon out there and it can be confusing. Let’s settle some terms right now.

June 3, 2024

Does a Will have to be registered to be legal?

Registering your will online is a great way to make sure there’s always a copy for your loved ones.

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Bequest Finance Inc.

1414 S Jason St
Denver, CO 80223